Play Spaces & Beach Tent Dungeon
We are all about play at Kinky Caribbean! There are so many great places to play at our event, from our beach tent dungeon, the resort's play room, and just about anywhere around the resort can quickly become a great place to play.
Our beach tent will again be right next to the beach pool and bar (the one with the pool table in the pool) near the pergola and Flame Grille and Steakhouse. We have play parties every night generally starting after dinner, and the space can be used any time that is not otherwise scheduled for workshops or events.
Expected equipment will include:
Trusses that can be used to tie/play on, including suspension,
Our two "cube" suspension rigs (each with 4 suspension beams),
Two St. Andrew's crosses
a massage table
a set of stocks with interchangeable spanking bar
a spanking bench
Plus numerous places to play around our tent and throughout the resort, including small covered "bed" pergola structures (that also have suspension points), other structures, or even the pool! Get creative and use the amazing outdoor space - find a tree or stake someone down to the beach!
The resort also has a sex and BDSM play room with its own equipment. It is usually open after 10pm:
Acquiring BDSM equipment is not easy in Jamaica, but we have been working hard to bring items there and to build items with the help of local contractors, so our dungeon equipment continues to grow and change, so you never know what you will get. We typically add new items every year! But we do know that everyone always has a great time and we see some amazing scenes.
Please bring your own toys! Concations is not able provide communal toys in the play space.