Kinky Caribbean Discord Group

The 2024 private attendee Discord server is Live! Attendees: Watch your Email for your invite link!
The Kinky Caribbean 2024 Discord server is a place for attendees to interact with Kinky Caribbean attendees, staff, and presenters. The server allows you to chat in different channels, post pictures, ask questions, and even post an introduction about yourself.
Discord is simple! Just follow the invite link that will be sent to all attendees and create an account or login to your existing account. From there you will see channels that let you make introductions, seek connections, or chat with others or the group.
Note: We will use Discord before and during the event to make event announcements. Also, most attendees use discord to direct message during the event instead of text messaging since some people don’t have an international data plan.
The server is private and only for 2024 KC attendees.
Once you join - Do 3 quick things:
1. Change your "Server Profile" Nickname to your "name necklace" name or other scene name. The "server profile' nickname is a name only used for this server, and should match the name you use at our event, which is usually your necklace name, Fetlife name, or other scene name. Many people use both their first name and Fetlfie / scene name.
To change your server profile nickname, go to:
User Settings > Profiles > Server Profiles (tab at the top).
Then change your "Server Nickname".
2. PICK YOUR ROLES! Please pick your roles so that you can let others know more about you (pronouns, preferences, etc.). Some roles are only allowed in some channels, e.g. only tops and switches can view and post in the Tops-chat channel. Picking roles is easy! Just go to the self-assign-roles channel and select the roles you want. If there is a role that you would like us to add, please post to @staff in the event-questions-faq-help channel
3. POST AND LINK YOUR INTRODUCTION: After you update your role, head over to the introductions channel and let us know a few things about you! Super-user hack: Once your introduction is posted, copy a link to your post and then add it to your profile by selecting "edit user profile" and pasting the link so that people can find your intro easily
If you need help or assistance, head over to help-questions-faq channel and tag @moderators with your question for assistance.
1. This server is open to Kinky Caribbean event attendees only and is intended for attendees use for the purposes of connecting, interacting, and asking questions about the event. You must be 18+ years old to be on this server. You agree that you are an attendee of Kinky Caribbean 2024. You agree that you will use this server for its intended purposes only. Non-attendees, lurkers, or investigators, are not permitted on this server.
2. Please Be kind, Respectful and Use Common Sense.
3. Mutual respect is the standard for all participants. Do not troll, harass, make false statements, defame, disparage, call-out, or bully anyone on this server. Please do not “out” anyone or post or share pictures or information about anyone without their permission.
4. Kinky Caribbean endeavors to acknowledge and embrace diversity, convey respect to all people, be sensitive to differences, promote equal opportunities, and to provide the highest standards of ethics, integrity, safety, consent protocol, and inclusion. Kinky Caribbean is wholly inclusive of all people of all genders regardless of their identifications, race/ethnicity, gender and sexual identities, expressions, or orientations, their beliefs, values, fetishes, kinks, or lifestyle, or their abilities or disabilities. This list is not exhaustive. Your actions on this server must align with these values.
5. Please post NSFW photos in the NSFW group only.
6. Kinky Caribbean has the right to remove any post or to eject anyone from the server for violating the rules or for any other reason.